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Alice’s Day 2017

The annual Alice’s Day in Oxford (UK) is coming up! This year this fun event will take place on 1 July.

The day provides fun for the whole family, with many events taking place. There’s street theatre, live music, circus skills, guided tours, and more. This year’s theme is ‘riddles & puzzles’.

Amongst others, the Lewis Carroll Society is organizing three illustrated talks under the title ‘The Games Alice Played’:

  1. The Queen’s Croquet ground. The speakers will shed light on Alice and croquet, including antique croquet sets.
  2. Nothing but a pack of cards. A talk about cards and Alice, including the performance of several tricks, and a display of historic packs of cards.
  3. A great huge game of chess. About chess and Alice. The speaker will also reveal a cunning move to reveal the identity of the Red Queen!


There’s also a ‘learn to play croquet’ course.

View the full programme

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