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Have fun with the Alice in Wonderland stories! Learn all about how to organize your own Mad Tea party, how to dress up in Alice in Wonderland costumes, and more!

You’re invited to send in your own photographs of parties and costumes by e-mail. I might feature them on my Pinterest boards as an inspiration for other visitors!


fun-teapartyMad Tea Party ideas

Having a Mad Tea Party? Planning your Unbirthday? Here you can find ideas for decorations, food, and games, and more. Also check out the pictures of other visitors’ mad tea parties on my Pinterest board!

wedding-iconAlice in Wonderland wedding ideas

Alice in Wonderland themed weddings are fun and not tacky at all! Read my tips for an elegant Alice in Wonderland wedding.

Costume ideas

Having a costume party or are you preparing for Halloween? Check out my Alice in Wonderland costume advice!


Things to download (a.o. movie and wave files from the Disney movie, and a Lewis Carroll font).


Need more inspiration?

Take a look at the following blog posts:

“Will you, won’t you, will you, won’t you, will you join the dance?”