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Through the Looking-Glass sesquicentenary conference: call for papers

This November, a conference will take place to celebrate 150 years of “Through the Looking-Glass”. There is now a call for papers.

Block the 4th and 5th of November 2021 in your agenda for the Through the Looking-Glass Sesquicentenary Conference. It will be hosted by the University of York, but all talks and associated events will be held online.

The conference aims to explore the significance of the mirror in literature, science, theology, art and other fields, and any facets of this concept that were relevant to ideas that shaped Carroll’s work, or, which have since been integral to its interpretation at different points in time.

They are currently inviting presentations exploring the theme of mirrors, offering fresh approaches to any aspects of the work itself, addressing, in particular, the difference between Looking-Glass and Wonderland, or aspects of Lewis Carroll’s biography, his historical, literary, and epistemological environment, intertextualities with other authors, Carroll’s correspondents or wider circles, which promise to shed new light on his Looking-Glass world. Contributions can be a mixture of traditional academic papers and alternative formats.

More information about the call for papers, and later on event information, can be found on their website:

1 Comment so far

  1. Titles available published with
    Lewis Caroll…
    Alice in Many tongues..
    Best regards
    Sorbonne universités

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