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First edition of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland for sale!

Want to own a first edition of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland? This is your chance, because someone is selling his copy!

The copy is a 1866 first edition, which means it is not one of the super rare suppressed editions from 1865, but the ‘official’ first edition that was published after the recall, which had better printing.


More pictures of the book can be found here.

The value of this copy is estimated between $2,000 and $3,000 by a book specialist at Christie’s.

The book is part of a larger sale: the seller inherited a private book collection and this first edition of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland was amongst it.
He also owns a 1869 copy of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, signed by the author to John Parry. Also included is a note to George MacDonald, signed by C.L. Dodgson. More about this book can be found on this page.

The seller of the copy, located in New York, is not auctioning it through an auction house. If you are interested in purchasing the item, you can contact him for inquiries or to make an offer: [email protected]. Or, use the contact form on his website. He will appreciate it if you tell him something about yourself and why you are interested in this item. 🙂

(Note: I have not physically seen or appraised this book myself and I am not involved in the selling process. The seller merely asked me to help to get the word out about this sale.)


  1. Thank you very much Lenny! I appreciate very much your posting this announcement. I will be delighted if either of my copies of Alice’s Adventures ends up in the hands of someone from your site, knowing that the purchaser is not merely a collector but an ardent fan of this wonderful story. Very best regards, Terry

  2. Hi from California,
    I too have inherited a rare book collection. I have a copy similar to this one but can’t find an identical one anywhere online. I would very much appreciate it if you could advise me as to how to go about selling it as I don’t do auctions and don’t even know what it’s worth -since I cannot find a similar one. I sent a photo to Christie’s and I’m waiting a reply. I can send you a photo and perhaps you’d be interested in referring me to someone who was disappointed they did not get yours!? It’s an 1869 LONDON MacMillan ( not the widely advertised first American printing of that same year) It is in Extremely good condition. Thanks for any advice you may pass along based on your experience…
    Best regards,
    Diane Pearson

  3. Hey there Diane Pearson, I saw your comment and wanted to reach out to you regarding your copy of the Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland book! I am very interested and would love the opportunity to purchase your book. Please contact me at [email protected]

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